By K. Kajantie
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The type of FET used is not at all critical; RADEKA reports 2N930, 2N2586 or 2 N 2252 as working equally well. 2 mA/V), and is advantageous preferably for detectors with very small capacity. int=1~sec. 124]. 125J described such a circuit. 5mA/V, combined with the bipolar transistor 2N835 to form a cascode. The output stage consists of a White ermitterfollower, which feeds the bootstrap loop. BLALOCK loco cit. diff = tint = 1 ~sec. 244]). The minimum noise is commonly found at about T= HOOK (cf.
25 in Appendix "Noise") only if semiconductor detectors with high junction capacity Cd are used or if a high energy resolution is not required. For low parallel noise, the base current of the transistor should be low. ----O + IN 0-----""+ .... n +----4--00 OUT 92 Fig. 34. The transitron circuit the other hand, the transconductance qm:::::: (e/kT) 'le depends on the collector current and thus on the base current. For small series noise therefore a high base current is required. Hence there is an optimum base current yielding a minimum total noise.
017]). However, as is well known, pentode amplification characteristics combined with the triode low noise characteristics, can be obtained in the casco de circuit Fig. 017]). 39) where ri1,gml and ri2 ,gm2 are the parameters of the triode Tl and T 2, respectively. 40 Preamplifiers and Related Circuits The cathode follower T3 in Fig. 31 raises the supply voltage of the cascode by means of the capacitor C2 synchronously with the increase of the plate voltage of T2 - this is known as bootstrap feedback.
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