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Senator INOUYE. A sad aspect of the MKULTRA project was that it naturally involved the people who unwittingly or wittingly got involved in experimentation. I would appreciate it if you would report back to this committee in 3 months on what the Agency has done to notify these individuals and these institutions, and furthermore, to notify us as to what steps have been taken to identify victims, and if identified, what you have done to assist them, monetarily or otherwise. Admiral TURNER. All right, sir.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senator INOUYE. Senator Wallop? Senator WALLOP. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 40 1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Testimony of CIA Director Stansfield Turner Admiral Turner, not all of the -- and in no way trying to excuse you of the hideous nature of some of these projects, but not all of the projects under MKULTRA are of a sinister or even a moral nature. Is that a fair statement? Admiral TURNER. That is correct. Senator WALLOP. Looking down through some of these 17 projects not involving human testing, aspects of the magician's art, it doesn't seem as though there is anything very sinister about that.

I can hardly hear myself. Admiral TURNER. I think the answer to your question is that we have no evidence of great usefulness on this, and yet I think we should remember-Senator HUDDLESTON. Well, is it accurate to say that this experimentation produced few useful results or had little application at all to the operations of the Agency or anybody else as far as we know? Admiral TURNER. I think that is basically correct. At the same time, I would point out that we had two CIA prisoners in China and one in the Soviet Union at this time, and we were concerned as to what kinds of things might be done to them, but I am not saying that-Senator HUDDLESTON.

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Project Mkultra, The CIAs Program Of Research In Behavioral by JOINT HEARING
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