e+ + n. (}is the CMS angle. When the neutrino energy is larger than 1GeV, inelastic processes become increasingly important. L(or v)+q, for which the cross section is given by (135) with cL and Cn being replaced by appropriate factors given in Table 1.
84~eV)2] -2 ' (148) M. Fukugita and T. _,:f5o:::-'-'-'--':200:;:. E, (MeVl Figure 3: Cross section of fie + p ..... e+ + n calculated from the full expression of eq. (147). The non-relativistic expression (NR) is also plotted for comparison. e. isovector part) of the proton and neutron magnetic moments in units of the nuclear magneton, Jl-N = e/2mN. The total and differential cross sections are shown for lie + p --+ n + e+ in Figs. 3 and 4. ,=lOOMeV for Ve + p-+ e+ + n. "(1- ls)11][N{(9v/" . ~ + 9AI~ Accurate calculations have also been carried out for a T 2 molecule [132, 133, 134]. For convenience of making a tritium source, however, it is often embedded in organic molecules. The correction for surrounding molecules, especially for the shake-off process (ionisation), is substantially more complicated. [135, 136] using the wave function obtained by the molecular orbital method, and were claimed to be sufficiently accurate to extract the mass of the electron neutrino at a necessary level. The most important parameter that controls S(Ee) is the probability remaining at the ground state and the mean excitation energy, which are given in Table 5.