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During this paintings, theoretical and experimental growth in QCD phenomenology, neutrino physics, B physics and CP violation is reviewed. The papers are taken from the 5th overseas Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology, held in Taiwan in November 2000.
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132 ' 133 ' 134 The "SDLCQ" method has been applied to several interesting supersymmetric theories, to the analysis of zero modes, vacuum degeneracy, massless states, mass gaps, and theories in higher dimensions, and even tests of the Maldacena conjecture. 132 Broken supersymmetry is interesting in DLCQ, since it may serve as a method for regulating nonAbelian theories. 129 There are also many possibilities for obtaining approximate solutions of light-front wavefunctions in QCD. QCD sum rules, lattice gauge theory moments, and QCD inspired models such as the bag model, chiral theories, provide important constraints.
A^Cv^^C)1-", (22) where a;7! j + i ^ A j , = k_ii — Y^F-A± for the struck quark, (23) for the (n - 1) spectators. A sum over all possible helicities A* is understood. If quark masses are neglected, the currents conserve helicity. We also can check that Y17=i x'i = 1> For the n + 1 -> n - 1 off-diagonal term (An = — 2), consider the case where partons 1 and n + 1 of the initial wavefunction annihilate into the current leaving n — 1 spectators. Then x„+i = C _ xii £in+i = Aj_ — k±\. The remaining n — 1 partons have total momentum ((1 - C)-P+> ~ AJL).
On the other hand, factorization applied to the B —> D form factor leads to a nonperturbative object (the "Isgur-Wise function"), which is still a function of the momentum transfer. However, the benefit here is that symmetries relate this function to other form factors. In the case of non-leptonic B decays, the simplification is primarily of the first kind (simpler structure). We call those effects non-factorizable (without quotes) which depend on the long-distance properties of the B meson and both final-state mesons combined.
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