By H. V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus
Presents a graduate point advent to the hot box of particle astrophysics. Describes the shut connection among the microcosm (particles) and the macrocosm (the Universe). Softcover.
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A kinetic theory of liquids, comparable to the kinetic theory of gases, was not available, and the methods for deriving molecular volumes exclusively from the properties of liquids did not give very precise results. Einstein’s method, on the other hand, yields values comparable in precision to those provided by the kinetic theory of gases. While methods based on capillarity presuppose the existence of molecular forces, Einstein’s central assumption is the validity of using classical hydrodynamics to calculate the effect of solute molecules, treated as rigid spheres, on the viscosity of the solvent in a dilute solution.
He related the temperature at which departures from the DuLong-Petit law (see p. 175) become significant—now called the Einstein temperature— to the fundamental frequency of the atomic oscillators, and hence to the optical absorption spectrum of a solid. In spite of his conviction of its fundamental inadequacy, Einstein continued to utilize still-reliable aspects of classical mechanics with remarkable skill to explore the structure of electromagnetic radiation. In 1909 he applied his theory of Brownian motion to a two-sided mirror immersed in thermal radiation.
The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein (Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1982). : Princeton University Press, 1987–), cited hereafter as Collected Papers, vol. 5 (1993), doc. 27, p. 31. , The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein: English Translation (Princeton University Press, 1987–), cited hereafter as English Translation, vol. 5 (1995), p. 20; translation modified. 5 Einstein to Conrad Habicht, 30 June–22 September 1905, Collected Papers, vol. 5, doc. 28, p.
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