By Nai-Phuan Ong, Ravin Bhatt
During this textual content the writer makes use of stack-theoretic strategies to check the crystalline constitution at the de Rham cohomology of a formal delicate scheme over a p-adic box and functions to p-adic Hodge thought. He develops a common concept of crystalline cohomology and de Rham-Witt complexes for algebraic stacks and applies it to the development and learn of the ([phi], N, G)-structure on de Rham cohomology. utilizing the stack-theoretic viewpoint rather than log geometry, he develops the constituents had to end up the Cst-conjecture utilizing the tactic of Fontaine, Messing, Hyodo, Kato, and Tsuji, apart from the foremost computation of p-adic vanishing cycles. He additionally generalizes the development of the monodromy operator to schemes with extra normal varieties of relief than semistable and proves new effects approximately tameness of the motion of Galois on cohomology.
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3) g ˜∗ ( n} is n) pr∗2 g ∗ E g˜∗ pr∗2 E −−−−→ g˜∗ pr∗1 E pr∗1 g ∗ E. Similarly HPD–stratifications can be pulled back via g. 10. Using this definition of pullback, we can define a notion of module with PD–stratification and HPD–stratification for an arbitrary morphism of algebraic stacks X → S. Let PD-Strat (resp. HPD-Strat) denote the fibered category over the lisse´etale site Lis-Et(X) which to any smooth X–morphism U → X with U a locally separated scheme associates the category of modules with PD–stratification (resp.
3) H s (((Uet /S)cris |V † , F |(Uet /S)cris ). 21) both of these groups are isomorphic to H s ((Vet /S)cris , F |(Vet /S)cris ), and with these identifications the map Rs Λ(F ) → Rs uUet /S∗ (F |(Uet /S)cris ) becomes identified with the identity map (to see this last compatibility note that it follows from the definitions that it holds for s = 0 and hence holds in general since both arrows are maps of universal cohomological δ–functors). 1. Crystals Let (S, I, γ) be a PD–stack and X → S a morphism of algebraic stacks such that γ extends to X.
16). 1) lis-et RrX∗ Rgcris∗ (F ) Rgcris∗ (rX ∗ F ). Proof. 2) lis-et RrX∗ Rgcris∗ (−) lis-et R(rX∗ ◦ gcris∗ )(−). 3) Rgcris∗ (rX ∗ (−)) R(gcris∗ ◦ rX )(−). 4) lis-et rX∗ ◦ gcris∗ gcris∗ ◦ rX . 3. 1) and a smooth cover P : X → X with X an algebraic space, and let X• be the 0–coskeleton of P . Denote by X•+ the strictly simplicial space obtained from X• . 1) + π : (X•,lis-et /S )cris → (Xlis-et /S )cris . 4. For any abelian sheaf F ∈ (Xlis-et /S )cris , the adjunction map F → Rπ∗ π ∗ F is an isomorphism.
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