By Authors: L. S. Kothari and S. P. Tewari

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Photoelectric effect It was observed around 1900 by Philipp LENARD (18621947) that when ultra violet radiation falls on a metal surface it gets positively charged. It was interpreted later as being due to the emission of electrons from the metal surface when light of suitable frequency falls on it. This phenomenon is 36 INSIDE ATOMS Albert Einstein and the photoelectric effect called the photoelectric effect. This effect was studied in detail by a number of workers, particular1YRobert Andrew MILLIKAN (1886-1953).

These isotopes ar~enoted by 12C, 13C and 14c. 42 INSIDE A TOMS The mass number is written as a superscript on the left of the chemical symbol. Hydrogen has three isotopes and, because of their great importance, all the three isotopes have been given sepal 2 rate names. These are H, D and 3T (D for deuterium and T for tritium). Common carbon atom, The nucleus of the hydrogen atom is made up of a lonely proton. ', 1~_~, _ • Proton Neutron Hydrogen Deutarium Tritium J Isotopes of hydrogen NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 43 James Chadwick times that of an electron.

An antineutrino or its antiparticle, the neutrino, could pass right through the earth without interaction. This name neutrino meaning the little neutron was suggested by Enrico FERMI (1901-1954). It was only in 1956 that the existence of neutrinos was experimentally verified by Frederick REINES (1918- ) and 50 INSIDE ATOMS Clyde COWAN(1919- ). In 1995 Reines was awarded Nobel prize for his work. We have learnt about some elementary particles and how they were discovered. It is useful to pause here and know about the different kinds of interactions between these particles.

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Inside Atoms by Authors: L. S. Kothari and S. P. Tewari
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