By Gordon D. Fee, Douglas Stuart

This quantity courses readers in realizing the literary dimensions of the Bible by means of incorporating thoughts for analyzing Scripture, whereas it additionally continues faithfulness to literary genres.

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That is a literal rendering of the Greek construction, but what it means in English is “burning coals” (NIV) or “live coals” (NEB). A second problem with a literal translation is that it often makes the English ambiguous, where the Greek or Hebrew was quite clear to the original recipients. For example, in 2 Corinthians 5:16 the Greek phrase kata sarka can be translated literally “(to know) according to the flesh” (as in the NASB). But this is not an ordinary way of speaking in English. Furthermore the phrase is ambiguous.

But in Paul’s sentence each occurrence of God is clearly a possessive genitive, with an emphasis on both we (Paul and Apollos) and you (the church as God’s field and building) as belonging to him. qrk 1/8/02 9:38 AM Page 46 T H E B A S I C T O O L : A G O O D T R A N S L AT I O N b. Thousands of times in the Old Testament the KJV translators woodenly followed the Hebrew word order in a way that does not produce normal, idiomatic English. Did you ever notice, for example, how many verses (or sentences) in the KJV begin with the word and?

A literal translation almost invariably transfers these into English with an “of” phrase, but frequently with strange results, such as the “coals of fire” noted above, or “the word of his power” (Heb. 1:3 KJV). ” Similarly the NASB’s “steadfastness of hope” (1 Thess. ” These are not only to be preferred; they are in fact more accurate because they give a genuine English equivalent rather than a literal, Greek way of expressing things, which in English would be nearly meaningless. Interestingly enough, in one of the few places where the KJV (followed by the RSV, but not the NASB) offered something of an equivalent (1 Cor.

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