By Aneesh Vasant Manohar; Mark B Wise
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A) (b) Fig. 28: (a) Initial-gluon correction to single-top quark production via the t-channel process (the diagram with the W and gluon tines crossedis not shown); (b) the kinematicregion in which the gluon splits to a nearly-collinear~ pair (the double line through the b propagatorindicates that it is nearly on shell) is subtractedfrom the correction,as it is already included at leadingorder. demanding that the; have pT < pTWt. For pTCut = 20 GeV,9 the cross section for this semi-inclusive process is 164 pb, with an uncertainty of 10% from varying the factorisation scale [144], about twice the uncertainty of the total cross section.
In our case, only a small change in the M1T4 value is seen relative to the zero-width approximation. W polarisation: A significant shift is found for the isotropic decays of W when compared to the SM expectation of its w 70% longitudinal pohuisation. In future runs of the Tevatron the W polarisation will be measured with a w 2~0 accuracy [98], and at the LHC this would be firther improved, so that it should not introduce additional uncertainties in simulations. tfspin correlations: A “cross-talk” between t and f decay products is possible due to experimental cuts.
This has been dubbed the “spectator basis” [130]. 89. However, the polarisation is increased to nearly 1007o when the cuts used in the t-channel analysis are imposed. This is because the polarisation is diluted by events in which the ~ is produced at high ~; but such events are elirnhiated by the requirement of only two jets. In the case of F production, 69% of the events have the d-type quark in the initial state. This suggests using the beam direction to measure the f spin. 87. 18 Since the top quark decays via the weak interaction, its spin is analysed by the angular distribution of its decay products.
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