By M. Bruno, A. Ventura, G.C. Bonsignori, Giovanni C. Bonsignori, Mauro Bruno, Alberto Ventura, Dario Vretenar

The convention "Bologna 2000: constitution of the Nucleus on the sunrise of the Century" was once dedicated to a self-discipline which has noticeable a robust revival of study actions within the final decade. New experimental effects and theoretical advancements in nuclear physics will surely make very important contributions to our wisdom and knowing of nature's basic development blocks. The curiosity aroused by means of the convention one of the clinical neighborhood used to be in actual fact mirrored within the huge variety of individuals. those represented an important nuclear physics laboratories on the planet. The convention coated 5 significant issues of recent nuclear physics: nuclear constitution, nucleus-nucleus collisions, hadron dynamics, nuclear astrophysics, and transdisciplinary and peaceable functions of nuclear technological know-how. It reviewed fresh growth within the box and supplied a discussion board for the dialogue of present and destiny learn tasks.

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At the Fermi surface of the different one-meson exchanges which define the Bonn potential. As for the potential, we notice that the gap Ap results from the difference between two large contributions: the large and positive contribution from the attractive -exchange. Nevertheless we point out that, although small, the contribution of the TT- and /9-meson exchanges in the pairing channel does not vanish. Another important quantity that we investigate for a better understanding of the pairing properties is the coherence length £ that, from a microscopic point of view, represents the squared mean distance of two paired particles on top of the Fermi surface.

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Hadrons, Nuclei and Applications by M. Bruno, A. Ventura, G.C. Bonsignori, Giovanni C.
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