By Jouni Suhonen

From Nucleons to Nucleus bargains with single-particle and collective beneficial properties of round nuclei. every one nuclear version is brought and derived intimately. The formalism is then utilized to gentle and medium-heavy nuclei in worked-out examples, and at last the got abilities are reinforced through a big variety of routines, many bearing on the versions to experimental facts. Nuclear homes are mentioned utilizing debris, holes and quasi-particles. From Nucleons to Nucleus is predicated on lectures on nuclear physics given through the writer, and serves good as a textbook for complicated scholars. Researchers too will savour it as a well-balanced connection with theoretical nuclear physics.

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Extra info for From Nucleons to Nucleus: Concepts of Microscopic Nuclear Theory (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)

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The two single-particle angular momenta are then coupled to total angular momentum J. This way of coupling is called the jj coupling scheme. The transformation mediating the connection between the states of these two coupling schemes is carried by 9j symbols. One mediator of this transformation for two nucleons in the p orbital and coupled to total angular momentum J = 1 is ⎫ ⎧ 1 3 ⎪ ⎬ ⎨1 2 2 ⎪ 1 12 32 . ⎪ ⎭ ⎩2 1 1 ⎪ Find the value of this 9j symbol by applying the appropriate relations listed at the end of Sect.

14. Derive the following property of the 3j symbols: m1 m2 m3 j1 j2 j3 m1 m2 m3 2 = ∆(j1 j2 j3 ) . 15. Perform the coupling of the angular momenta J 1 (j1 = 1), J 2 (j2 = 12 ) and J 3 (j3 = 12 ) in the following two ways: (a) J 12 = J 1 + J 2 and J = J 12 + J 3 , (b) J 23 = J 2 + J 3 and J = J 1 + J 23 . Write down the corresponding state vectors for j = 1, m = 1, the quantum number j corresponding to the vector J . Compare the two sets of state vectors and comment on the result. 16. 58) of the 6j symbol.

The structure of the nucleus 6 Li is roughly determined by two nucleons, one proton and one neutron, in the 0p3/2 orbital. (a) What are the possible parities and angular momenta of the states of 6 Li on this simple scheme? (b) The spin and parity of the ground state of 6 Li are measured to be 1+ . Write down explicitly the ground-state wave function for all three possible magnetic substates by using numerical values of the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients. 3. Take j = 1 and write down the matrix representation of the operators J 2 , J± , Jz , Jx and Jy .

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From Nucleons to Nucleus: Concepts of Microscopic Nuclear by Jouni Suhonen
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