By Susan Kimmel Wright

Whereas attempting to determine who's accountable for stealing mail from within reach mailboxes, Nellie permits outward appearances to steer her to suspect a highschool dropout, an getting older actress, Sasquatch, and a lonely classmate.

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Shelley slipped past Nellie and back through the kitchen. She caught Jay's arm and whispered something. Jay muttered in reply, gently removing her hand from his wrist. Rigid, he charged over to Deke and spun him around. " Jay's voice shook. Deke raised his eyebrows. " Pointedly, he turned his back. For a heartbeat, Jay stared at him, breathing hard. "This isn't over," he said at last. " He stormed through the doormaybe to cool off while Deke made more pizza. After an uncertain glance at the amused cook, Shelley followed Jay.

Nellie brought her face close to his little brown nose. " Nellie picked up her brother and followed Mom. Dad had turned on the TV news, and there was a picture of the Lucky Clover and its mailboxes. The story didn't tell Nellie anything new. But after the reporter explained about the thefts, he concluded with a lighthearted interview with a couple who looked like they might be retired. They lived at the wooded edge of the trailer park. They told how they'd arrived at the scene after the police and found some "very suspicious tracks" near the mailboxes.

Besides, everybody around here keeps a shotgun to protect their livestock. " Page 58 "Well, just make sure somebody knows where you are. " Nellie's lips tightened. "Mom already talked to her, thanks. " Rick didn't notice her irritation. "Maybe you're right about her being lonely. " Fred got on the bus in front of his driveway. While he and Rick talked, Nellie thought about Jay. Jay delivered Chlorine's groceries. In fact, that must have been the delivery he'd been making on the day of the mail theft.

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Dead Letters by Susan Kimmel Wright
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