By National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements

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The use of the ratio reduces the total variations with energy to allow the small oscillatory component to stand out. ) 1 52 7. TRANSPORT THEORY-METHODS OF SOLUTION pal evidence of its presence is the discontinuity a t the minimum energy that a particle can have after a single collision. The multiply scattered contributions are so smeared that the individual components are not distinguishable. " For energies less than about an order of magnitude below the source energy, the equilibrium spectra for different source energies are similar and approach a spectrum characteristic of the medium.

28), is the coupling in the macroscopic cr_osssection, p,, of energy transfer (E1+E) and angular scattering (ul+u). 3 CONTINUOUS SLOWING-DOWN APPROXIMATION (CSDA) 1 41 on the observation that their interactions with the medium usually can be divided, within a good approximation, into two classes: a) very frequent collisions that result in small energy transfers, but no appreciable angular deflection, and b) infrequent collisions that result in angular scattering but negligible energy transfer. 17) ti(Er-E).

Consider three points in an infinite homogeneous medium. At the f i s t point is a source, while detectors with equal response functions are a t the other two points. This case is to be compared with a single detector at the first point and two equal sources a t the other two points. Source emission and detector response functions are unchanged between the two cases. 34 1 6. TRANSPORT THEORY-THEOREMS AND PROPERTIES Then it can be seen that addition of the two detector responses in the first case gives exactly the same result as the two source contributions to the detector in the second case.

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Conceptual Basis for Calculations of Absorbed-Dose by National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
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