By Debra Ikeda
Essential e-book on clinical imaging of Breast
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Screen-film image receptors are 18 × 24 cm and 24 × 30 cm in size. 1 mm, respectively. 0×. 5:1 and 5:1 are used to reduced scattered radiation for contact mammography; grids are not used for magnification mammography; instead the air gap between the breast and image receptor is used to reduce scatter. The phantom image using the American College of Radiology mammography phantom evaluates the entire mammography imaging chain, is performed weekly, and at a minimum should detect four fibers, three speck groups, and three masses.
As in the study by Freer and Ulissey (2001), radiologists initially made a decision about the mammogram, used CAD, and then rereviewed the marked mammogram. The radiologist’s decision to recall a potential abnormality could not be changed by failure of the CAD system to mark the potential finding. Findings marked by CAD could be recalled even if the finding was not initially detected by the radiologist but was judged to be abnormal in retrospect. This means that radiologists should read the mammogram first so they are not influenced by CAD marks initially, because not all cancers are marked by CAD.
A) Right mediolateral oblique (RMLO) view shows blurred breast tissue most evident in lower breast (circle). (B) On a corrected RMLO, the breast tissue and Cooper’s ligaments appears more distinct against a fatty background. Longer exposure times can lead to patient motion. A B FIG. 24 Hexagonal grid lines on digital mammography. Grid lines on a right craniocaudal (RCC) view (A) disappeared in a corrected RCC view (B). This artifact may be attributed to the stopping or slowing down of grid oscillation in the Bucky, causing the grid lines to be superimposed on the image.
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