By Associate Professor Katell Berthelot, Daniel Stokl Ben Ezra
The Aramaic lifeless Sea Scrolls signify approximately thirteen% of the Qumran library and correspond to quite a lot of genres and subject matters. This publication contains the lawsuits of a convention at the Aramaic scrolls from Qumran which happened in Aix-en-Provence in 2008. It comprises either the papers themselves and a transcription of the discussions. The 22 papers take on linguistic, exegetical and old questions, focusing particularly on: the relation of the Aramaic texts to what we all know because the Hebrew Bible; their literary genres; the query in their sectarian or non-sectarian provenance; the nature of the corpus, and particularly its relevance to the improvement of apocalypticism and messianism within the Jewish culture.
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Rome: Pontifical Institute, 2004), 18–20. 78 Typical examples of the genre are the biblical stories of Joseph at the court of Pharaoh (Genesis 42–46), Daniel at the courts of Babylonian and Persian kings (Daniel 2–6), the story about the three pages at the court of Darius, embedded in the apocryphal 1 Esdras (chapters 3–4), and passages from Tobit. The Aramaic story of Ahiqar, known and used by Tobit, is a court-tale composed in an Aramaic pagan environment. For a survey of court-tales see L.
As pointed out by Stone, “Qahat,” in Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (ed. L. Schiffman and J. C. Vanderkam; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), 2:731, no narrative framework has survived in 4Q542 to indicate a testament situation. Nevertheless, its content and affinity to the Aramaic Levi Document suggest such a context. On some ideas and phrases that the Testament of Qahat shares with Aramaic Levi, see Greenfield–Stone–Eshel, Aramaic Levi, 29. For a more detailed comparison of the two see Drawnel, “The Literary Form and Didactic Content of the Admonitions (Testament) of Qahat,” in From 4QMMT to Resurrection: Mélanges qumraniens en hommage à Émile Puech (ed.
43 For wisdom passages see 4Q213 1 i–ii, 4, 5; 4Q214b 8 1–2. For the Testament of Qahat see 4Q542 1 and n. 56, 57 below. Drawnel, “Priestly Education,” 551, suggests the title “Visions of Levi,” modeled on the Visions of Amram. However, these titles are inappropriate for both the Aramaic Levi Document and the Visions of Amram. 44 This fragment was published and discussed by J. T. Milik, “Le Testament de Lévi en araméen,” RB 62 (1955): 398–406. The bulk of the dream is preserved in the Bodleian ms.
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