By William Oscar Emil Oesterley
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He invaded Judaea, and captured Jerusalem after a year's siege. John Hyrcanus had to submit once more to Syrian suzerainty. C. 129) ; he had been called to the eastern parts of his empire owing to the menace of this warlike people. As a result, the Jewish State once more regained its freedom, which it retained for a period of sixty-six years. The reign of John Hyrcanus was of special importance for several reasons: he extended very considerably the borders of his dominions; he conquered Idumsca and state into become Jews this was destined have momentous consequences in later days he subdued the Samaritans, and destroyed their temple on Mount Gerizim; he broke with the Pharisees (the Chasidim of earlier days), with whom he had at first been on friendly terms, and who had for some time previously been the most influential party among the Jews; instead, he supported the party of the Sadducees ; and, finally, during his reign arose the pronounced popular hatred of the Hasmonaean rulers, owing mainly to the incongruity of the pursuit of worldly aims on the part of him who held the 3 this assumed serious dimensions in High-priestly office; forced the inhabitants to ; to ; course of time owing to Pharisaic influence.
187-175). C. 164, there were nearly two years of peace; under Jonathan's leadership, when the Syrian general Bacchides withdrew, thinking that his task of subduing the Maccabseans was accomplished, we read that for two years again "the land of Judah had rest" (I Maceix* 59)> and still later, during approximately five years 40 A SURVEY OF THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 152-147), there was peace in Palestine owing to the struggle for the Syrian throne of two aspirants. C. intervened. Tumultuous as this period was, then, opportunities for were not wanting.
Xx. 1 1) ; They that sowu the Do wind shall reap the whirlwind" (Hos. viii. " (Am. vi. 12, emended " The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the text) ; children's teeth are set on edge" (Ezek. xviii. 2), and others. extent, Of isolated compositions, though of quite limited we have, for example, such a piece as Jotham's parable of the trees (Judg. ix. 8-15), and a shorter one on the thorn and the cedar in II, Kgs. xiv. 9; further, Wisdom compositions are incorporated in collections of psalms belonging to different periods; the earlier ones are xxxii.
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