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When awakened, he recounted the dream to his grandfather Mahalalel who urged him to pray that a remnant might remain on earth (I Enoch 83:1-9). Though the vision is not interpreted, the destruction which he saw is obviously that of the approaching flood. The section concludes with Enoch's prayer to the Lord. T. patriarchs are animals. ). One of the angels instructed the white bull; he became a man and built a great vessel. ) Three bulls dwelt with him on it and were covered in. Seven water torrents of heaven flowed from a lofty roof; ) below the surface fountains were opened; and water, darkness, and mist increased on the "enclosure" into which it had been poured until it overflowed it and stood upon the earth.

This is perhaps the land of Africa; see R. H. Charles, op. , p. 73. 2 3 4 6 32 NOAH IN THE APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPIGRAPHA Prior to Noah's death the evil demons (whose fathers were the Watchers) began to bother the sons of Noah to make them err. ) He prayed to God that the same sort of grace that had saved them from the flood should now deliver his descendants. The Lord gave orders that the demons should be bound, but Mastema, the chief, begged that a tenth be left to him in freedom, and his request was granted (Jub.

1 7 4 . In a midrash, the dove represents Israel who finds no rest in exile and returns to Palestine, Gen. R. 33. 6 ; cf. Lam. R. 1. 3. § 29. ) The one year stay in the ark is in agreement with the chronology of the L X X . This book differs from L X X on the date of the drying of the earth and in having the end of the flood come in the 607th yr. of Noah's life. ) This Haggadah was known to Philo (QG. ii. 4 9 ) ; some rabbis: Gen. R. 3 1 . 1 2 ; / . Taan. 1. 6 (EBI. II, 1 5 . § 4 9 ) ; T. B. Sanh.

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A Study of the Interpretation of Noah and the Flood in by Lewis
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